about | nostr | retrocomputing | math/physics | btc


Nostr is a promising new(ish) decentralized and resilient social network. Many nostr clients have great integration with the bitcoin lightning network for sending sats (small amounts of bitcoin) around between users, but having any interest in bitcoin is not at all required for being on nostr! Learn more about Nostr here or here. You can view my nostr profile and my posts, without needing to have a nostr account, on njump.me here, or here's a direct link to my profile on the Snort client. If you need help getting set up on Nostr, please feel free to reach out to me.

⛏ Just for fun, I also like mining for interesting pubkeys (using rana) - for bragging rights I'm collecting the pubkeys I've found here:




I use Damus and Primal on my iPhone, Amethyst on Android, and nostrudel (my current favorite) / primal.net / coracle.social on the web.