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Bitcoin / Lightning Network

⚡ I run a humble little Lightning node, unatco2. Feel free to open a channel with me. Here's a link to my node on Amboss.

⚡ If you want to send me some sats, you can send them directly to my node or via my LN address jcdenton@getalby.com.

🙅 I do not support "crypto", NFTs or other related things. I believe most of these are outright scams, and the remainder are dumb, unnecessary and/or harmful. Bitcoin is the only truly decentralized, scarce digital asset and is the only one worth your attention. Bitcoin is not perfect, but it's dang close, and I believe many criticisms of it are based on faulty assumptions or data. It's bitcoin, not "crypto", and sats are the standard.



💰 I use these bitcoin wallet programs. They are all fully open source, which I believe to be essential for a bitcoin wallet. ☂ I used to run Umbrel on a raspberry pi as an all-in-one bitcoin and lightning node, personal Nostr relay, and a few other things. Due to lack of updates and some other concerns I moved my node over to start9 running on a ThinkStation (i3 CPU, 8GB RAM) in November 2023, and this has become my favorite node package.


In my opinion, Coinkite make the best Bitcoin hardware by a mile. I've used, and can vouch for, their Coldcard Mk3 and Mk4 and Tapsigner signing devices, their Satscard physical bitcoin product, and their Seedplate steel backup tool.